Movie Greens - live plant and tree rentals for film, television + special events

Vancouver Plant & Tree Rentals

  Movie > Live Plant Varieties: Medium Light Plants

Vancouver Plant & Tree Rentals

Live Plant Varieties : Medium Light Plants

Low Light Plants    Medium Light Plants    High Light Plants

Flowering Plants

Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia nicolai

Rhapis Palm
Rhapis Palm
Rhapis excelsa
Kentia Palm
Kentia Palm
Howeia forsteriana
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus lyrata
Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena cincta
Dracaena Reflexa
Dracaena reflexa
Brassaia actinophylla
Dwarf Schefflera
Dwarf Schefflera
Schefflera arboricola
Pygmy Date Palm
Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii
Fishtail Palm
Fishtail Palm
Caryota mitis
Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine
Araucaria heterophylla
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo Palm